We apologize for the late posting as our tech crew was down with illness. Speaker: Michael Lin 牧道人:林成褔
5月20日主日崇拜 May 20 Sermon
Speaker: Wen-te 牧道人:文得
5月13日主日崇拜 May 13 Sermon
Speaker: Wen-te 牧道人:文得
5月6日主日崇拜 May 6 Sermon
We apologize for the technical difficulties in the middle of the sermon recording. Speaker: Michael Lin 牧道人:林成褔
4月29日主日崇拜 April 29 Sermon
We apologize for the technical difficulties in the first 20 sec of the sermon recording. Speaker: Gabriel Chu 牧道人:朱天民
4月22日主日崇拜 April 22 Sermon
Speaker: Wen-te 牧道人:文得