Listening to the word of God 聆聽上帝的話語

  1. The consequence of refusing to listen to the word of God 拒絕聆聽上帝話語的後果, v1-3
  2. The right attitude to listen to the word of God 正確聆聽上帝話語的態度, v9-10
  3. The right way to respond to the word of God 正確回應上帝話語的方式, v4-8
  4. The result of listening and responding of the word of God 聆聽並回應上帝話語的結果, v19-21

宣召 Invocation:

Psalm 詩篇138:1-8

讀經 Scriptures:

1 Samuel 撒母耳記上v3:1-10, 19-21

詩歌 Hymns:

  1. 我的神我敬拜你Lord, I Want To Worship You
  2. 生命聖詩 #166 寶貴聖經How Precious Is The Book Divine
    歌詞 Midi
  3. 輕輕聽
  4. 你的話
9月16日主日崇拜 September 16 Worship
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