Mission of grace 恩典的使命
- Not to despise others because Jesus has accepted us不輕看別人因耶穌已接納我們, v9-11
- Forgiving others because Jesus has redeemed us寬恕別人因耶穌已救贖我們, v12
- Loving one another because Jesus has compassion on us彼此相愛因耶穌已憐憫我們, v13
宣召 Invocation:
讀經 Scriptures:
詩歌 Hymns:
- 生命聖詩 #10 神僕當頌主 (Ye Servants of God)
歌詞 Midi - 必有恩惠慈愛 (Surely Goodness and Mercy)
歌詞 YouTube - 生命聖詩 #185 奇異恩典 (Amazing Grace)
歌詞 Midi - 生命聖詩 #278 惟信靠主 (Trusting Jesus)
歌詞 Midi
2013年7月28日主日崇拜 July 28 Worship