從主耶穌降生馬槽再思謙卑的意義 Rethink the Meaning of Humility from the Lord Jesus’ Birth in the Manger

  1. 神的形象 – Form of God
  2. 倒空虛己 – Empty Himself
  3. 謙卑自己 – Humble Himself
  4. 順服至死 – Obedient to the point of death
  5. 升為至高 – God has exalted Him

宣召 Invocation:

詩篇Psalms 98:1-4

讀經 Scriptures:

腓立比書 Philippians 2: 5-11

詩歌 Hymns:

  1. 生命聖詩 #100 馬槽聖嬰 (Away in a Manger)
    歌詞 Midi
  2. 生命聖詩 #103 在大衛城中 (Once in Royal David’s City)
    歌詞 Midi
  3. 生命聖詩 #119 主在十架 (At the Cross)
    歌詞 Midi
12月23日主日崇拜 December 23 Worship