Choosing the good portion 選擇上好的福分

  1. Understanding the priority in serving the Lord明白服事主的優先次序,v38-40
  2. Learning how to focus on serving the Lord學習如何專心的服事主,v 39-40
  3. Pursuing the ultimate goal of serving the Lord追求服事主的最終目標, v41-42

宣召 Invocation:

Matthew 馬太福音5:3-12

讀經 Scriptures:

Luke 路加福音10:38-42

詩歌 Hymns:

  1. 有一位神
    歌詞 YouTube
  2. 生命聖詩 #178 奇異的愛 (And Can It Be That I Should Gain)
    歌詞 Midi
  3. 生命聖詩 #298 靠近主 (Close to Thee)
    歌詞 Midi
  4. 生命聖詩 #359 愛主更深 (More Love to Thee)
    歌詞 Midi
11月4日主日崇拜 November 4 Worship