屬天的敬拜 Heavenly worship

  1. 具有敬拜的異象 Having a vision of worship, v1
  2. 認識敬拜的對象 Knowing the subject of worship, v2-3
  3. 要以敬畏神的心敬拜 Having the fear of God in worship, v4-6a
  4. 活出生命力的敬拜 Living a life of worship, v6b-8
  5. 具有永恆盼望的敬拜 Having an eternal hope in worship, v9-11

宣召 Invocation:

詩篇 Psalms 113:1-9

讀經 Scriptures:

啓示錄 Revelation 4:1-11

詩歌 Hymns:

  1. 生命聖詩#8 榮耀歸於真神 (To God Be the Glory)
    歌詞 midi
  2. 生命聖詩#9 擁戴我主為王 (Crown Him with Many Crowns)
    歌詞 midi
  3. 生命聖詩#416 耶穌基督是我一切 (Jesus Is All the World to Me)
    歌詞 Midi
  4. 生命聖詩#81 祂是主 (He Is Lord)
    歌詞 Midi
7月1日主日崇拜 July 1 Worship
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