証道主題 Message:

追求無比的獎賞 Running for the wonderful prize

  1. The state of self-examine 自我省察的階段, v12
  2. The state of focus 專注的階段, v13a-v14a
  3. The state of expectation 期望的階段, 14b
  4. The state of application 應用的階段, v15-16

宣召 Invocation:

彌迦書Book of Micah 6:6-8

讀經 Scriptures:

腓立比書Philippians 3:12-16

詩歌 Hymns:

  1. 生命聖詩 #80 讚美救主 Praise Him! Praise Him!
    歌詞 Lyric MidiYouTube
  2. 新歌頌揚 #162 獻上活祭
    歌詞 YouTube
  3. 生命聖詩 #48 神的道路最美善 God’s Way
    歌詞 Lyric Midi
  4. 生命聖詩 #293 當轉眼仰望耶穌 Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus
6月3日主日崇拜 June 3 Worship
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